Distance Sales Contract
This is a Distance Sales Contract. This contract was arranged for sales conducted over the internet according to the Law on the Protection of Consumers numbered 6502 dated 07.11.2013 ("Law No. 6502") and the Distance Contracts Regulation ("relevant Regulation") published in the Official Gazette numbered 29188 on 27.11.2014, and is set forth below in the form of contract provisions.
Company Name : Beste İnce Sobe Handmade
Address : Valikonağı Cad. Akkavak Sok. Bezci Apartmanı No:14/3 Nişantaşı/Şişli
Phone : +90 532 286 17 02
E-mail address : info@sobehandmade.com
Name Surname :
Address :
Phone :
E-mail address :
The subject of this Agreement is to determine the rights and obligations of the parties related to the sale and delivery of the product or products, the qualities and sale price of which are specified in Article 3 of this Agreement, ordered by the BUYER from the website "www.sobehandmade.com" belonging to the SELLER in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6502 and the relevant Regulation.
The type and nature, quantity, brand/model, color, sales price, and delivery information of the products are as follows.
The basic features of the product, such as the model and color of the product, are available on the website "www.sobehandmade.com" belonging to the SELLER. The BUYER can view the product features and visuals on the website as long as the sale continues.
The price below is the sales price of the product including all taxes.
Product description:
Price of the Product Including VAT:
Quantity :
Shipping Fee :
*The shipping fee will be determined according to the product amount. Since it cannot be calculated in advance, additional expenses may be required.
Payment Method : Cash/ Credit Card Single Payment/ Credit Card [*] Installment
Total Price (Including VAT):
Delivery Method : Delivery to the Address
4.1 - The BUYER declares that he/she has read and informed about all the preliminary information regarding the essential qualities of the product or products subject to the Agreement, sales price, payment method, delivery, and the full trade name, clear address, and contact information of the SELLER in accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement and has given the necessary confirmation electronically.
By confirming this Agreement, the BUYER confirms that he/she has correctly and completely obtained the information that the address to be given to the consumer by the SELLER before the conclusion of the distance contracts, the essential characteristics of the product ordered, the price of the product, payment, and delivery information, and that he/she will be under the payment obligation if the order is confirmed.
4.2 - Unless products specially prepared upon the request of the BUYER are concerned, the products subject to the Agreement will be delivered to the BUYER or the person/organization indicated by the BUYER within the period specified in the preliminary information, depending on the distance of the BUYER's residence, not exceeding the legal 30 (thirty) days to be applied as of the receipt of the order by the SELLER. Delivery...